Friday, December 26, 2014

One for the road

Lately the ‘right of way’ on indian roads has been a big talk. It is when a vehicle driver stops and lets the pedestrian walk by rather than passing herself (or driving over the pedestrian)!

I have taken pride in being a responsible driver for a lot of years now by following basic road etiquettes like - 
  1. Not throwing trash (including spit) on the road
  2. Giving way to walkers (including runners)
  3. Giving way to non-motorized vehicles like cycles, cart pullers (so that they do not break their inertia)
  4. Being specifically mannered around school buses because children should see and learn aptly

However, I have been a bit of a jerk when it comes to letting pass other motor-vehicles; as my wife points it out! These manners, thankfully, have not created a huge troule or delay ever in my life and I am still alive.

Reason for writing this today is very specific. Today morning I again stopped by at the round-about at one end of Citylight Road and allowed the vehicles to pass by. To my surprise, I saw bike drivers, auto-wallas and other cars stopping around me! My sense says it was because they saw a red sedan stopping, considered it good manners and imitated the same. I realize my responsibility is also towards setting examples for others to imitate – whether right or wrong!

This holds true for you too – whether you like it or not!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The changing facade of Surat

I’d not want to get into the cliché blowing of Modi bugle – especially when I see positive change in this entrepreneurial city!

Just the last week it was the fallen parking parapet of my office building – the one of the many that had stifled the road. I was glad the parapet wall made way for the bottlenecked road; though at a measly disappointment of losing my parking space! And today it was the freshly installed signage pointing, thankfully, in all the right directions!

This city (administration), like all the others, keeps abreast of changing times – as much as it can. One of my biggest compliments to it is the keenness to develop recreational spaces in the city. When the Science Centre came up on this very road 5 years back, I was super glad! Such spaces serve not only as recreation but are also a rich source of informal education! And the number of school students visiting it on regular basis, I’m sure it’s serving the right purpose. It has given the city not only a science gallery and planetarium, but also superb places for exhibition, conventions and concerts.

Then came the aquarium where I did 3 trips but came back coz it was pre-booked. This goes on to show how much this city needs such public places and how little has been done about it! Tapi river-front has been another strong step in that direction; hoping many more such come up in the near future.