Friday, December 11, 2009

A mature Supreme Court

Inactivity is a boon for the cowards & imbeciles; cowards & imbeciles like certain fractions of a government. If you do not want to be that harsh, you can say some issues are tricky & demand a lot of will to take action on. Prostitution is one such issue.

What is commendable is the will and maturity of the Supreme Court that asked the government to either curb or legalize it. Knowing that Supreme Court doesn’t take sides, I find it futile to stuff this little happy blog with why-ban-prostitution arguments.

Have a go at it the main article on the link below; if you are too lazy to do it, be content in the knowledge that our SC judges are behaving mature.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This & that

I am more than tempted to point out the similarities between 26/11 (2008) & 25/07 (2000). Yes I know what you're thinking, and any writer/ blogger would like to spice it up a little with an element of suspense.

26 November 2008 was when a warrant was issued against Hotel Taj & Mumbai by Ajmal Kasab & company; & 25 July 2000 was when the warrant issued against Balasaheb Thakrey by the world-famous (in India) Mumbai Police.

During the latter, I was in Bombay (is Thakrey & company listening?) & my friend & host Ashish called to tell me to duck under any desk, shop or covering nearby because it's supposed to be a catastrophic day. The same frantic calls were made, I am sure, on the former date.

On both the dates, a group of extremists romped the streets of Bombay (he he he) & destroyed property & harmed people. Police & administration failed to curb them for a lot of hours because of various reasons and the harm was done.

They knew they were doing the harm and o they were loving it; and proud of it.

I am sure the people who follow the blog are smart enough to add more points of reference. I sign off here, please take charge.