Friday, December 26, 2014

One for the road

Lately the ‘right of way’ on indian roads has been a big talk. It is when a vehicle driver stops and lets the pedestrian walk by rather than passing herself (or driving over the pedestrian)!

I have taken pride in being a responsible driver for a lot of years now by following basic road etiquettes like - 
  1. Not throwing trash (including spit) on the road
  2. Giving way to walkers (including runners)
  3. Giving way to non-motorized vehicles like cycles, cart pullers (so that they do not break their inertia)
  4. Being specifically mannered around school buses because children should see and learn aptly

However, I have been a bit of a jerk when it comes to letting pass other motor-vehicles; as my wife points it out! These manners, thankfully, have not created a huge troule or delay ever in my life and I am still alive.

Reason for writing this today is very specific. Today morning I again stopped by at the round-about at one end of Citylight Road and allowed the vehicles to pass by. To my surprise, I saw bike drivers, auto-wallas and other cars stopping around me! My sense says it was because they saw a red sedan stopping, considered it good manners and imitated the same. I realize my responsibility is also towards setting examples for others to imitate – whether right or wrong!

This holds true for you too – whether you like it or not!

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